Parkersburg Piccalilli

Keynote Speaker

Lori McKinney

Lori is a songwriter, creative place-maker and community development Rockstar. After studying theater at JMU and University College, London, and extensive travel, she felt a call to return home to West Virginia.  She is the co-founder and executive director at RiffRaff Arts Collective, in Downtown Princeton.

Keynote Speaker

Lori McKinney

Lori is a songwriter, creative place-maker and community development Rockstar. After studying theater at JMU and University College, London, and extensive travel, she felt a call to return home to West Virginia.  She is the co-founder and executive director at RiffRaff Arts Collective, in Downtown Princeton.


Sarah Arnold

Sarah is owner and Founder of Clutch Collective; a beautiful retail shop and artist showcase in downtown Marietta. She is also Director of Marketing and Communications at Ohio SE.

Brooke Buchanan

Brooke has a master’s in Integrated Marketing and Communication from WVU. She is a part of the WVU Parkersburg marketing team, helping lead creation of a vibrant social media plan and creating eye catching materials to support the college.

Jenna Green

Director of Arts for the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History. Jenna is responsible for administering the division’s arts programs, including overseeing all state and federal grants for West Virginia’s arts organizations, individual artists, schools, and communities. Jenna also currently administers the Cultural Facilities and Capital Resources Grant and Fast Track Grant programs, and she serves as the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Coordinator.

Jeff Grubs

Professor of Art at West Liberty University, Dr. Grubbs brings years nearly 20 years of experience as an artist and arts educator.

Abby Hayhurst

Abby's background is in marketing and graphic design. She joined the PAC team in 2004 as director, and semi-retired in 2018 to concentrate on exhibits and development. She has served as guest curator for several other museums and believes that sawtooth hangers should be outlawed.

Virginia Killian

Virginia Killian, a working multimedia artist and retired art teacher is a working artist who loves to teach. Her work is available in local galleries and is often shown in juried shows.

Jennifer Morrison

Jennifer spent more than 20 years in sales and management. Her work today is inspiring and leading the artists at the Wood County Society’s Artbeat Studio helping artists create art and working with the Artbeat Studio’s Art from the Heart Shop.

Beth Nash

Artist Beth Nash’s distinctive style is popular in galleries and exhibit throughout Ohio, including being selected for this year’s Parkersburg Art Center’s The River 2024. A native of the Cleveland area, she earned her BFA in printmaking from Kent State University. She drew portraits on the boardwalk in Wildwood, N.J., then launched a clothing-design and fabric business, for which she dyed and airbrushed fabric.

Jolene Powell

Jolene Powell is a West Virginia native and received her MFA from Boston University. She is currently a McCoy Professor of Art and Director of the Gallery 310 at Marietta College. She has an extensive exhibition record and is represented by Brandt-Roberts Gallery in Columbus, Ohio. Along with Abby Hayhurst and Elizabeth Simmons, they will be talking about preparing work for exhibits and how to approach galleries.

Olivia Reeder

Olivia Reeder, Dean of Early College, WVU Parkersburg, is completing her Ph.D., studying the emerging uses of artificial intelligence programs in the classroom and in our everyday lives. She is an accomplished photographer and writer as well as executive director of the WVUP Foundation.

Laurie Reidmiller

Laurie Reidmiller, WVU at Parkesburg art professor, whose work is regularly part of local and regional juried shows.

Sara Rosenstock

Sara is the McCoy Professor of Graphic Design at Marietta College. She and her Husband, Bobby, own Just a Jar in Marietta. She earned a BFA-New York College of Ceramics, Alfred University and a MFA-Tyler School of Art, Temple University.

Mary Roy

West Virginia based embroidery artist, Mary Roy, pays homage to her Appalachian roots and love for connecting places and people despite distance in her work. She has extensive experience as an artist-in-residence, including a residency with the Great Smokey Mountain National Park and a speaker at Arrowmont School for Arts and Crafts.

Suzanne Shultz

Suzanne Shultz is the founder of Canvas Fine Arts, a full service Coaching and Consulting Agency founded in 2007 for artists and creatives. CFA has gone from a small gallery in Massachusetts to a player on the world stage representing over a hundred artists. With art having been exhibited locally and internationally, CFA has helped artists get corporate commissions with major players such the Legal Seafood Group and Revlon International.

Kathy Signorino

Kathy is the Arts Programs and Percent for Art Director at the Ohio Arts Council. She brings her knowledge and experience to Piccalilli, adding the Ohio perspective. The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency funded by public investment in arts and culture.

Elizabeth Simmons

Elizabeth Simmons is the Curator of Art and Engagement at the Clay Center where she oversees the Juliet Art Museum. Simmons is responsible for organizing a diverse exhibition schedule, planning educational programming, and stewarding the permanent collection. She is also a doctoral candidate in the curatorial track art history program at the University of Delaware, with an MA in art history from Indiana University and a BA from Miami University in Ohio.

Patty Stewart

Born and raised in WV, Patty Stewart is an expert on showing her work, setting up at fairs and festivals and ensuring that her work is seen. She has been working throughout the country for over 30 years. She is currently president of AAWV. Patty is a juried member of Allied Artists of WV, Tri-State Arts Association and Tamarack: The Best of WV.

Michelle Waters

Michelle has been working in the professional photography and art worlds for 20 years, and was the first female, fine art, digital, “lifestyle photographer” in the Mid-Ohio Valley. Since then, her work has been featured in and on the cover of several local and national photography and art magazines, as well as local, regional and national musicians’ and organizations’ promotional pieces, and has dozens of local and regional fine art exhibits and festivals on her resume.

Nichole Westfall

Nichole is an illustrator and muralist currently working out of Charleston. Her work, seen here in Parkersburg on the Floodwall at Point Park, has led to several experiences being an “artist in residence.” She loves traveling, working onsite and helping build community.

Elizabeth Yeager

Elizabeth, Deputy Director of Arts at the WV Department of Arts and Culture, provides support to the director of arts and offers technical assistance to artists and arts organizations. She also serves as editor of the Department’s ArtWorks magazine.

Special Exhibit

Doug Kreinik, Kreinik Manufacturing

Doug recently retired as owner and CEO of Kreinik Manufacturing, a 50-year-old Parkersburg business that sold specialty threads and supported the work of artists, jewelry makers, costume designers and home crafters. Doug’s parents started the business in Parkersburg. Doug understands the creative needs of needle workers and artists of all variety – more than plain wool or cotton—colorful silks, textural metals, and dimensional embellishments have been used in embroidery for centuries.